Monday, September 13, 2010

Rules and Regulation :
firstly , if you've been tagged , you must write yours answer in your own blog and replace any question that you dislike with a new , original question . secondly , tag eight people .don't refuse to do that , don't tag people who tagged you .

1 . who sleeps in bed next to you ?

My kaklong. owh, si gebu auni bakal menyelit bile2 je..hehe..n also my phone n sepit rambut..

2 . do you ever lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend to get out of somethings ?

erk??!!!adalah kot..dululah zaman ada boyfriend dolu2..

3 . what kind of kuih raya did you make ?

Ada ke??? dah 4 taun rumah aku takde kueh raya buat sendiri..owh, tpi byk biskut yg mama dapat tu, aku jdi tukang letak dlm bekas. kira aku buat jugak lah kan???

4 . best day of the week ?

ntah..ada ke hari best..even hari raya pon tak best..sape nk jwb nih???

5 . what's really creepy ?

hahahaha...kucing consider creepy ke?? kalo ye boleh lah..owh, ada exception kat sekor je kucing..ehhehehe

6 . what's your current fandom / obsession / addiction ?

Masquerade, Jodi Picoult, Dress, White.

7 . what are the colour of your baju raya ?

Hitam bunga hijau sket, biru sket purple sket..yg pnting tdung purple..
(oh, tema raye kaler purple..)

8 . what did you eat for break fast today ?

i'm not fasting today..dah raye dah pon..but for breakfast, nasi goreng+aym goreng kunyit..

9 . what is your aim for this raya ?

duet raye!! duet raye!! duet raye!!..(nanti dah umo 20 taun dah tak dpt dah..lalal)

10 . what was the last things you bought ?

penyapu sampah, lighter CRICKET, teh o peng 3 bungkus..oh, topup jugak..celcom+maxis
nota: abah hutang duitku blom bayar lagi..hehe..kira pukal RM20

11 . what was the cuttest thing you've seen recently ?

AQIL HARIRI..walaupun die tgah demam..hahahha..

12 . does the cute things affect your mood ?

yuppy..everything u see can affect ur mood, dear..lalala

13 . what is your zodiac sign ?

Scorpio (xlama dah..)

14 . do you want to learn other skills ?

skill buat kek,
skill cari bf,
skill jdi kawan yg baik..heheh

15 . 5 things you can't live without ?

-my phone
-lip balm (sebamed)
-Handle with Care-Jodi Picoult
-Baptizing the Gun(American Short Story)

16 . if you could meet anyone now , who would you meet ?

Si Watipus, Alien kepala dongga, n Long Taiyob..Miss them lah..owh..juga, dia..hehe

17 . what's somethings you'd to say to someone right now ?

Aku rindu korang..datanglah sini...

18 . what are you looking forward to ?

-habiskn baptizing the gun, n buat asemen smpai siap..
-klas leadership cncel..

19 . say something to the person who tagged you ?

muniey : thanks yup. happy eid :)

lastly , tag eight people .

buat nnti2 boleh///

7) syuqimori

8) nani